Monday, 10 June 2013

Short USDINR for TGT below 52.50 within Apr 2014 and make money Double

If Any one wants to make Ur money not just double but multiple time as well without any risk or losing capital then

Short 100 lots of USDINR 28th Apr 2014 Contract @ 60.42

Expecting TGT within Apr 2014 below 52 to till 48.

CMP June 2013 contract 57.90

As per current level

Max Upside INR-59.50 - 59.85
Max downside INR 53.85 - 53.25

Required Margin for safe gain - Rs 400000 (Rs 4000 per lot)
(Span Rs 150000 and MTM additional Rs 250000) 

Reason behind making short

USDINR Trading higher high and expect sharp fall due to Election and main reason is Eating Premium Value.

Minimum U can gain Rs 2.52 (57.90-60.42)

which means Ur getting at least Double Ur investment and Upto 6-8 times if USDINR hit my TGT. So Happy Profit Making ........